
An exploration of image augmentation through affine transformations for image warping


This project explored the use of image warping and dissolving to generate hybrid images. The images below are a combination of affine transformations on triangulations, as well as cross-dissolving on those image compartments. This results in beautiful hybrid images that allow for the creation of interesting Photoshop-like effects.


This section demonstrates how correpsondences were calculated. I wrote a python script that collects dots pairs from both images and constructs a triangulation with the Delaunay Triangulation

The following images show the result of the triangulation


Using the triangulations from above, I was able to perform a morph and cross-dissolve to create a hybrid image of these two people. The following images show the result. This image was calculated using the following equation: 1/2*(morph(image1) + morph(image2)). The morph function applies an affine transformation from the original triangulation to the average triangulation between both images.

Chloe-Angela Midway
Mix of Both

Morph Sequence

Using the image merging from the previous section, I was able to create sliding morph sequences. Instead of implicitly assuming a 50/50 split, I interpolated the merge of the two images in the morph and cross-dissolve sequence using the following interpolation equation: t*(img1[points/colors] + (1-t)*img2[points/colors]).

Mean Face

Using the Brazilian face dataset, I constructed an average face image by averaging the morphed triangulations of the images in the dataset.

Examples of morphed images
Mean Image

Using the transformed images from the previous section, I constructed the average face image by averaging them.


I also created caricatures of myself by extrapolating my face from the Brazilian average face. This was achieved by adding alpha values above and below 1 and 0 to create some funky images.

Original Image of me
Chloe-Angela Midway
Extrapolation with alpha>1
Extrapolation with alpha<0

Bells and Whistles

I changed the gender of a friend from female to male.

Sanchitha Man Facial Shape
Chloe-Angela Midway
Sanchitha Man Appearance
Sanchitha Man Appearance Complete
3D Morphing

I have a little bit of experience with CAD systems and realized that the STL file format is just 3D triangulation. I attempted to use two STL files to morph a sphere into a pyramid with mixed success.